What services does Juenemann Services offer?
We specialize in a variety of bespoke home improvement services, including custom painting, tailored remodeling, artisan carpentry, and comprehensive handyman services, each crafted to meet the unique needs and preferences of our Washington, DC metro area clients.
What areas do you serve?
We proudly provide the Washington, DC metro area, with custom home improvement solutions.
How do I get a quote for my project?
For a personalized quote on our painting or custom remodeling services, please contact us through our website or call us. We offer detailed consultations to understand and meet your specific needs.
Do you offer warranties on your work?
Yes, our dedication to excellence in home improvement is backed by warranties on many services, ensuring peace of mind for our discerning clients.
How long has Juenemann Services been in business?
With over 30 years of experience in delivering high-quality, custom crafted home improvements to the Washington, DC area, Juenemann Services reflects a commitment to craftsmanship and client satisfaction.
Can you handle custom projects?
Absolutely. Our expertise is in creating tailored solutions that perfectly match your personal style and vision, ensuring each project is a unique, bespoke creation.
Who will be working on my project?
Your bespoke project will be managed by skilled professionals, including experienced craftsmen and dedicated project managers, all committed to achieving custom excellence in your home.
How can I see examples of your past work?
Our website features a portfolio of services, each with a showcase of projects and testimonials.
What is the typical timeline for a project?
Timelines for our projects vary depending on scope and complexity. We provide realistic estimates during our initial consultation and maintain open communication throughout the project.
What measures do you take for safety and cleanliness?
We prioritize the safety and cleanliness of your project, adhering to the highest standards to ensure a seamless and respectful working environment in your home.

Start Your Project Today

Ready to bring your vision to life with our expert team? Contact Juenemann Services for a personalized consultation and let's create something extraordinary together.